Article 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution: Upholding Equality and Combating Discrimination.

Articles 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution are pivotal in promoting equality, justice, and the eradication of discrimination. These articles form the foundation of India’s commitment to creating a society that is inclusive, fair, and free from discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. In this blog, we will explore the significance of Article 14 and Article 15, their scope, and their role in upholding the principles of equality and social justice in India.

  1. Article 14: Right to Equality:

Article 14 guarantees the right to equality before the law and equal protection of the law to all individuals. It ensures that every person is treated equally, without any discrimination or favoritism by the state. This article acts as a cornerstone of the Indian Constitution, providing a level playing field and fostering a just and equitable society.

a. Equality before the Law: Article 14 establishes that all individuals are equal before the law. It means that every person, regardless of their status, enjoys equal rights, privileges, and opportunities. The state cannot discriminate against anyone in the application of laws or the provision of services based on arbitrary grounds.

b. Equal Protection of the Law: Article 14 ensures that everyone receives equal protection of the law. It prohibits discriminatory treatment by the state or its agencies. The principle of equal protection demands that similar situations are treated similarly, and any differentiation must be based on reasonable grounds and objective criteria.

  1. Article 15: Prohibition of Discrimination:

Article 15 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. It aims to eliminate social disparities and ensure equal opportunities for all citizens. This article recognizes the historical injustices faced by marginalized groups and takes affirmative steps to bridge the gaps and promote social inclusiveness.

a. Prohibition of Discrimination: Article 15(1) prohibits the state from discriminating against any citizen on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. It ensures that individuals are not subjected to unfair treatment or denied access to opportunities based on these protected characteristics.

b. Socially and Educationally Backward Classes: Article 15(4) allows the state to make special provisions for the advancement of socially and educationally backward classes. It enables affirmative action measures such as reservations in educational institutions and public employment to uplift disadvantaged sections of society.

c. Prohibition of Untouchability: Article 15(2) specifically prohibits the practice of untouchability in any form. It recognizes the historical discrimination faced by individuals from lower castes and works towards eradicating this social evil.

  1. Promoting Equality and Social Justice:

a. Ensuring Inclusivity: Article 14 and 15 promote inclusivity by preventing discrimination based on various grounds. They seek to eliminate social and economic disparities and provide equal opportunities for all citizens to participate in the social, political, and economic spheres of the country.

b. Affirmative Action: Article 15(4) empowers the state to take affirmative action measures to uplift marginalized and disadvantaged groups. It recognizes the need to address historical inequalities and promote social justice through reservations and other positive discrimination policies.

c. Empowering Marginalized Communities: Article 15 plays a crucial role in empowering marginalized communities, such as Dalits, women, religious minorities, and backward classes. It ensures their access to education, employment, and opportunities for social and economic advancement.

Upholding Democracy and Social Cohesion:

  1. article 14 and 15 is uploading human rights of every Indian.

Articles 14 and 15 are vital in upholding the principles of democracy and social cohesion in India. They create a framework of equality, justice, and fairness.


Adv.Khedkar Kishor Bhaskarrao.
(High Court Aurangabad | District & session court Beed)
Legal Services in Criminal, Civil, Corporate, Family, D.R.T, Writ Petitions, Appeals.
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