Article 226 of the Indian Constitution: Empowering High Courts for Judicial Review and Writ Jurisdiction.

Article 226 of the Indian Constitution empowers the High Courts of India with extensive powers of judicial review and writ jurisdiction. It serves as a crucial mechanism for safeguarding fundamental rights, ensuring administrative accountability, and promoting justice at the state level. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of Article 226, its scope, and its role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens in India.

  1. Understanding Article 226:

Article 226 grants the High Courts the power to issue writs, orders, and directions for the enforcement of fundamental rights, as well as for any other purpose deemed necessary. It vests the High Courts with the authority to examine the legality, propriety, and constitutionality of administrative or executive actions, ensuring their conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the law.

  1. Scope of Article 226:

a. Writ Jurisdiction: Article 226 empowers the High Courts to issue various types of writs, including habeas corpus (to secure the release of a person unlawfully detained), mandamus (to compel a public authority to perform its duty), certiorari (to quash an order), prohibition (to prevent an authority from acting outside its jurisdiction), and quo warranto (to challenge the legitimacy of a person holding public office). These writs are essential tools for the protection of individual rights and the correction of administrative wrongs.

b. Judicial Review: Article 226 enables the High Courts to exercise judicial review over administrative and executive actions. It allows the courts to review the legality and validity of decisions, orders, or actions of government bodies, ensuring that they are consistent with the Constitution and the law. This power acts as a check on the abuse of power and protects citizens from arbitrary or unconstitutional actions.

c. Public Interest Litigation (PIL): Article 226 has also been instrumental in facilitating Public Interest Litigation at the state level. PIL allows individuals or organizations to approach the High Court on behalf of those whose rights are violated or who are unable to seek legal redress themselves. It has been pivotal in addressing broader societal issues, promoting social justice, and bringing about systemic reforms.

  1. Role in Upholding Justice and Administrative Accountability:

a. Protection of Fundamental Rights: Article 226 ensures that individuals have a direct recourse to the High Courts for the protection and enforcement of their fundamental rights. It acts as a safeguard against any violation of constitutional guarantees, allowing citizens to seek redressal and hold authorities accountable.

b. Correcting Administrative Wrongs: Article 226 enables the High Courts to correct administrative errors, illegal actions, and instances of governmental misconduct. It ensures that administrative authorities act within the boundaries of their powers and adhere to the principles of fairness, transparency, and reasonableness.

c. State-Level Oversight: Article 226 provides a state-level mechanism for oversight and review of executive and administrative actions. It allows the High Courts to address regional and local issues effectively, considering the specific context and needs of individual states.

  1. Strengthening the Democratic System:

Article 226 plays a vital role in strengthening the democratic fabric of India. By vesting High Courts with the power of judicial review and writ jurisdiction, it ensures that state-level authorities are accountable, transparent, and respectful of citizens’ rights. It reinforces the principles of separation of powers and the rule of law, promoting an inclusive and just society.

Article 226 of the Indian Constitution empowers the High Courts with the authority to protect fundamental rights, ensure administrative accountability, and uphold the rule of law. It acts as a bulwark against executive excesses, enabling citizens to seek justice and redressal at the state level.


Adv.Khedkar Kishor Bhaskarrao.
(High Court Aurangabad | District & session court Beed)
Legal Services in Criminal, Civil, Corporate, Family, D.R.T, Writ Petitions, Appeals.
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